Price depends on the nature of insurance.

Americans for the last month, suffered two powerful earthquakesSeismic disturbances were observed in regions where such natural phenomena recorded relatively rare.
The first earthquake was recorded on the night of Monday to Tuesday in southeastern Colorado. Power strokes was about 5.8 points. The second earthquake, magnitude 5.8, epicenter of which was located in Virginia, was in the afternoon on Tuesday. His thrusts, in particular, felt the residents of New York. In some cities in Maryland residents also drew attention to the strange screeching, falling loose items, cracks on concrete pedestals buildings.
During yesterday appeared in the media reports of injuries in different buildings on the East Coast, including falling Tower at the National Cathedral in Washington, less than 100 kilometers from the epicenter of the quake. Overall, however, the destruction caused by nature, were minor.
Much more important consequence of these shocks is that many homeowners in America is hardly the first time thinking about their willingness to earthquakes and attended to issues of home insurance. Standard insurance house, apartment or private business, as a rule, does not cover the cost of repairing property caused by the earthquake. Meanwhile, according to the Insurance Information Institute, the average in the United States is not less than 5000 earthquakes per year.
As the Daily Finance, the additional costs of home ownership in the event of an earthquake can be described in a separate paragraph or insurance is issued as a separate insurance policy. In California, where the risk of earthquakes above, homeowners can apply for an insurance agency in the state California Earthquake Authority.
Price of insurance depends on the pricing of the insurance company, location and cost of real estate, building construction type and value of things stored in it, as well as the amount of capital invested in real estate and residential proximity to seismic fault lines.
The cost of insurance varies from state to state and can range from $ 300 -400 $ to a few thousand a year. At the same time to insure the old buildings, of course, is more expensive than new ones, and brick construction - more expensive than wood, as the latter seem to tolerate the tremors. When calculating the premium for the basis is $ 1000. According to the Insurance Information Institute, insurance of brick building in high-risk areas, for example, in the northwestern Pacific, will cost from $ 3 to $ 15 per $ 1000. In New York the same building can be insured for only 60-90 cents per $ 1000.
In a contract of insurance against earthquakes usually included a conditional franchise, which is indicated as a percentage rather than dollar terms. It can range from 2% to 20% of the replacement cost of the building. The higher the deductible, the more consumers save on insurance premiums, that is, the smaller the amount the homeowner would pay under a contract of insurance.