According to the data of analysts of company Head Hunter, on the end of August it is better, than on the average on the market, there was a situation in medicine and pharmaceutics (in July of this year the number of vacancies was even on 5 % more than for the same period of 2008), insurance. Most difficultly in the end of summer to find work was in segments: banks and investments, consultation and human resource management. And the difficult situation has developed among experts in human resource management where for a year reduction of quantity of vacancies has made 70-80 % from the pre-crisis period. As a result competition - 21-22 resumes into place.
Intensity recession on a labour market confirms reduction of number of applicants for a workplace in this summer. If in March Head Hunter fixed on 125 responses to vacancy in their August became already 66. For comparison in their August, 2008 was 28. Certainly, this average on hospital, but it provides guidance on tendencies. In March experts at all did not cope with processing of demands.
In July-August of the most scarce there was a trade of the insurance agent - this vacancy is unattractive for people with experience, there there are basically students. The expert in user support - here now 2 resumes on vacancy, and also experts from medical branch - 2,5 candidates on a place and pharmaceutics - 1,7.
For a year of crisis of the salary were reduced practically in all spheres. Incomes at PR managers, architects and HR-managers, engineers in building, system administrators, web-designers have considerably decreased. Salaries in the end of 2008 - the beginning of 2009 were most dynamically reduced. On the average reduction of salaries has made 10-20 %, and on some positions - 30 %. In the summer of 2009 the situation was stabilised. Salaries changed slightly. In nominal expression on 5-15 % salaries at project managers in marketing, managers on sales, medical representatives have grown. Incomes of insurance agents have grown on 17 %, but it while does not involve shots. The greatest growth of salaries is fixed at lawyers (36 %). Crisis has created many problems to economic agents, and they dare just by means of lawyers and lawyers.