Not a valid bill.
U.S. Court of Appeals ruled unconstitutional a law on mandatory health insurance. Obama supports this law and has repeatedly said that the law does not conflict with the present constitution. It is reported by Reuters.
Under the bill, citizens must purchase a mandatory health insurance. Otherwise, they risk a fine.
Court of Appeals decision was made by the 11th District of the United States, located in Atlanta. According to the decision, the Congress exceeds its authority by requiring Americans to purchase insurance. Other provisions of the Act remain in force.
As expected, the legality of mandatory health insurance now consider the U.S. Supreme Court.
The law has become the most significant and radical innovation in health care since 1965.Health insurance extended to 32 million people. Over the next 10 years the U.S. Treasury will have to spend $ 940 billion, but as the president announced, in the twenty-year term, the adoption of the law will result in savings of about $ 1 trillion.
President's health care reform is actually split American society into two camps.According to opinion polls, held this spring in support of the law were expressed 49% of Americans, and 40% of respondents were opposed. Adoption of the law, which Republicans, determined to take revenge on the election, once called the "antihuman", along with failures in military special operations in the Middle East, a serious blow to Obama's ratings.