On the average on the statistican, in the America it is stolen approximately 1,2 million cars a year, and this figure gradually decreases.
Old, but well-known enough marks of cars for car thieves represented special popularity. After a carjack, it assorted on spare parts. Further spare parts were restored and on sale at the good price. It is natural that new cars too not seldom left from owners.
The government of each staff has entered obligatory insurance which has helped to get rid of many problems. Forty five states have passed this law. Five have accepted others partially. The price in each staff differs a little, but is not beyond five hundred - one thousand dollars.
Car insurance in states.
The citizen of America without the insurance cannot put the car on the account. The most important thing that on one of roads police officers will not ask insurance sheet, it is required only in the event that there will be a failure or other case provided by the contract.
Very much the distinctive feature of a car of insurance in America is that the firm the insurer himself chooses tariffs which develop of experience and to that of similar criteria depending on the driver. All criteria develop, from here there is an insurance overall cost.
Key parametres of the insurance which provide the insurance policy in the America, are defined by three key parametres:
· The maximum compensation of physical and moral harm on each victim
· Payments to all injured with failure
· Material damage compensation.