Cunnings of autoinsurance.
With increase material well-being of people, the number of cars on roads increases also. The class car - the newest car but very few people in a condition to pay all cash at once. In this case the help comes in the form of a credit car - this kind of bank services types the increasing popularity. But in set of cases the bank obliges to insure the car if he acts as a pledge subject. The company increases cost of the credit for the considerable sum. On what is necessary to pay attention at the conclusion of the contract of insurance?
In most cases the insurance company in which the contract of insurance of the car will be issued, the bank giving the credit specifies. Quite probably that it is the most most faultless insurance company, and the alternative to it is not present. But before the conclusion of the contract of insurance, the borrower all the same should learn more about this insurer.
In the insurance contract it is necessary to pay attention to what sections first of all? The borrower should learn, at what positions insurance payment and at what - it is not paid is paid. Also it is necessary to find out other conditions of insurance and the size of the interest rate. How it seemed it is tiresome, choosing the insurance company it is not necessary to be lazy, it is necessary to read the insurance contract completely, including all footnotes and notes which, as a rule, are typed by small print. It is very frequent clients, having seduced on the low interest rate of the car of the credit, "get" on the exaggerated rates of insurance just on council of the Bank. And to replace the insurance company it is already impossible.
At car acquisition on credit it is necessary to concentrate attention to such points of contracts: the pledge contract should have instructions on car cost for which it got also actual term of the credit. «It is necessary to study with concentration points by the rights and duties of the parties, namely, obligations of the borrower at a constructive loss or car stealing. Besides, it is necessary to concentrate attention to term of functioning of the insurance contract - it should not be less term of crediting», - it supplements. It is not necessary to let out from a kind that at insurance of a car of the credit the client should pay an equal insurance payment during all term of crediting, despite of that the car at annual operation goes down in price.
Moreover, the borrower should know that with insured event approach, compensation on a damage is paid not to it, and the bank which has given out to a car the credit. That is, at breakage or the car stealing, the bank appears the favourable purchaser. The insurance company makes an estimation of a damage and enlists the required sum into the bank account. In case liabilities of the borrower before bank there is less than the sum paid by the insurance company the bank cancels a debt of the client from this sum, and the rest enlists into its account. If the insurance contract is absent or on any basis in insurance to payment is refused, a loss to bank, to the full at the expense of personal means, the buyer of the car compensates.