Insurance at the tourist operator.
In this tourist season tour operators had to endure increase in insurance limits on insurance about quality of the services. Against falling of sales of rounds for many this decision was gave hardly. Someone has mastered insurance in the necessary volumes, someone was reoriented on other direction, having refused exit tourism, about 400 operators and at all have left from the market: someone absolutely, and someone has passed in the category of tourist agents.
Whether tells it about improvement of quality of work in tourism sphere? Whether guarantees it to travellers better services against the leading companies? In certain degree - yes. The large tourist operators who have fixed the positions in the market, have more possibilities for the rest organisation, both in America, and behind its limits, giving to the tourist a full complex of services and comprehensive support.
The increased insurance sums allow to guarantee also to all suffered tourists in case of financial problems of tour operator indemnification of losses. In turn, responsibility increase have led to growth of receipts in cash desks of insurers. However the insurance companies do not hasten to rejoice to this monetary stream.
Not casually throughout all action of obligatory insurance of responsibility of tour operators, the insurance community tries to develop uniform principles of behaviour within the limits of this direction. The package of documents which the great bulk of insurers adheres is developed, the recommended tariff is calculated, however it does not carry strictly a binding character. Therefore in rigid struggle for the client insurers often go on an unfair competition and a dumping.
Requests for toughening of control from insurance supervision while remain without the answer as the service of insurance supervision does not see necessity for the isolated control, motivating refusal by a small share of receipts on insurance of responsibility of tour operators in insurance total amount in America. Therefore while the union of insurers, without having essential levers of influence, tries to struggle with dumping problems. Thus official statements of all insurers always condemn the excessive decrease in tariffs menacing to financial stability and гарантированности of payments. But if all against who this dumping carries out?
But even not mutual friction concerning tariffs cause the greatest fears of insurance both tourist community. And that and others are guarded with situations with deliberate bankruptcy of tourist operators.
The increased insurance sums, according to many representatives of insurance business, can promote increase in scope of swindle: rounds have sold, money has received, has gone bankrupt, and under accounts the insurer let pays. And any recourse to originators it is not provided. Even in a situation of visible intention law enforcement bodies do not show activity for attraction guilty to responsibility, and without a judgement the insurance company has not the right to show someone the claim. Cause also censures questions of reference of tour operator of to this or that group with a corresponding limit of responsibility, and also possibility is easy for passing from the tour operator category in tourist agents.
And last stumbling-block on a field of insurance of responsibility before tourists is a behaviour of tourist agents in a chain of granting of services. The law does not stipulate in any way interaction of tour operator with the agent that often brings confusion in questions of interaction of the tourist with different services and in settlement of losses including. Correct this situation the standardised forms of agency agreements and an agency duty accurately could to inform to the tourist the information on tour operator and its insurer.